
Robert Wieser's background, experience, and services are available through PFT Tracer Instruments.


Below, Neil of EnvioTrace learns how to make cats tubes.


Technical Experience:

•     29 years working at Brookhaven National Lab (BNL) in Atmospheric Tracer Group developing PFT technology
            - Independently built three capillary DTAs while
           at Brookhaven.
            - Successfully transferred the technology to
            Robotech Inc., who then built the first DTAs
            (Dual Trap Analyzers) for ConEdison

•     Formed a company called Technical Specialist to help Con Ed understand and operate their DTA.

•     Founding partner in PFTtech llc, a company that has found most of the underground cable leaks in England for National Grid. (See below link for paper presented at J’cable 2011.)
            - while at PFTtech, I built and supervised the
            building of seven DTAs and trained others in
            building and maintaining the machines.

•     EnviroTrace, a Canadian company that monitors leaks in underground commercial tanks.
            - working with EnviroTrace, together we built a DTA
            for them to use in monitoring underground tank
            leaks as well as applying the technology to
            underground oil transport lines.

•     Other experience:
            - experienced in cable oil leak hunting using
            the continuous operating DTA.
            - experienced in remote sampling where an
            automobile mounted DTA is not practical.