Superior Equipment Used for Atmospheric Tracers at
PPQ Levels


Typical chromatograph image as seen on our DTA machines.

The underground power infrastructure in big cities is not getting better. Most big cities deliver their power through underground dielectric fluid-filled cables buried six feet underground and encased in pipes. When they start to leak the most effective method for locating the leaks was developed in the nineties by Dr. R. Dietz at Brookhaven National Lab. By adding perfluorocarbon tracer (PFTs) to the dielectric fluid in the low ppm levels a leak can be detected above ground by sniffing the air above the leak. This is the most effective method for pinpointing leaks in the underground infrastructure.

About Perfluorocarbons (PFTs)

Perfluorocarbons (PFTs) are used in tracer applications. They are nontoxic, chemically inert, clear, colorless liquids. PFTs are nonflammable and are not radioactive. Since they do not occur in nature, background levels are very low in the order of parts per quadrillion (ppq).

Low ppm concentrations of PFTs can be added to underground pipe-type cables or nitrogen-filled cables to locate leaks. Leaks are then located by sampling the air above-ground with a DTA (dual trap analyzer) which is mounted in a vehicle. The vehicle drives over the lines at 5 miles an hour while the PFT Tracer Instrument (DTA) pinpoints the leak.

PFT Tracer Applications

•     Effectively locates leaks in underground dielectric-fluid cables (also known as pipe-type cables) and nitrogen-filled cables for power companies.

•     Underground natural gas leak location has been achieved using PFTs.

•     Pretesting for new underground piping systems for assurance of structural integrity.

•     Air infiltration studies for buildings and houses. PFTs can measure quantitatively a building's heat loss.

•     Nuclear power plant control room studies for testing air handling systems in emergency conditions.

•     Air plume movement studies for thousands of kilometers.

•     Underground oil reservoirs can be traced.

•     Monitor underground leaking tanks.

•     Tracking with PFTs by adding to ransom money for kidnapper apprehension.

•     Testing air can be used to test room air purifiers that contain charcoal or other adsorbent substances.