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The DTA can be mounted in a van with its computer. The system fits comfortably behind the driver's seat.

DTA (Dual Trap Analyzer) - A Modified Gas Chromatograph.

Our DTA is easily mounted in a van or SUV. With the use of a small air pump, our DTA samples continuously give readouts every two minutes. Thus, allowing the viewer to locate underground oil-filled cable leaks while driving at
5 mph over (PFT) pre-tagged lines.

  • The PFT Tracer Instrument's DTA sees tracers at ppq levels.
  • The PFT Tracer Instrument's DTA can be used to trace 3 or more different PFTs simultaneously.

Remote SamplerThe remote sampler uses sample tubes to detect PFTs in off-road situations and in areas the DTA is not easily available such as when sampling in distant countries.

A small pump pushes air through a sample tube similar to one of the traps in the machine. The samples are brought back to the DTA and analyzed at your convenience on a small sample desorber.

Two types of sample disrobers are available multi-position for in-lab analysis and a two-position for field use.


Above, the remote sampler is light and can be walked into areas not easily accessed by the DTA machine.

To right, Sample Tube Desorption Racks
Small two-position rack for mobile work and a 10-position rack to automatically desorb sample tubes. Foreground sample tube that can be used passively or with a sample pump.


Below, a general diagram illustrates the sample process used in the DTA.
